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Top 10 Prenup Questions Everyone Should Ask

A prenuptial agreement, commonly known as a "prenup," is a legal contract that outlines the division of assets and responsibilities in the event of a divorce. While the topic of prenups can feel unromantic, they are an important consideration for couples, regardless of their financial standing. By addressing key issues upfront, a prenup can help prevent future disputes and protect both parties' interests.

If you're considering a prenup, here are the top 10 questions you should ask:

1. What assets and debts will be considered separate property?
In a prenup, it's crucial to clearly define which assets and debts each partner brings into the marriage and will remain their separate property. This can include things like inherited wealth, businesses, real estate, or outstanding loans.

2. How will marital property be divided in the event of a divorce?
A prenup should outline how any assets acquired during the marriage, known as marital property, will be divided. This can include things like the family home, joint bank accounts, retirement savings, and more.

3. Will there be any provisions for spousal support (alimony)?
Prenups can stipulate whether spousal support will be provided in the event of a divorce, and if so, the amount and duration of those payments. This is an important consideration, especially for couples with disparate incomes.

4. What happens to any future inheritances or gifts?
Prenups can determine whether any future inheritances or monetary gifts received by either spouse will be considered separate or marital property.

5. How will the agreement be updated over time?
As your financial situation and assets evolve over the course of the marriage, it's important to include provisions in the prenup for how and when the agreement can be modified.

6. What happens to any businesses or professional practices?
If one or both partners own a business or professional practice, the prenup should address how those assets will be handled in the event of a divorce.

7. How will retirement accounts and pensions be divided?
Retirement accounts and pensions can be complex assets to divide. A prenup can outline how these will be handled, such as whether they will be considered separate or marital property.

8. What about any shared living expenses or joint accounts?
Prenups can specify how shared living expenses, such as mortgage payments, utilities, or joint bank accounts, will be handled during the marriage.

9. Will there be any provisions for children from previous relationships?
If either partner has children from a previous relationship, the prenup can address issues like child support, custody, or inheritance rights.

10. Have both parties had independent legal representation?
It's important that both partners have their own independent legal counsel review the prenup to ensure it is fair and valid. This helps protect both parties' interests.

Finding the Best Raleigh & Cary Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer

Entering into a prenuptial agreement may not be the most romantic aspect of wedding planning, but it can provide valuable financial and legal protections for both partners. By addressing these key questions upfront, you can help ensure your prenup is tailored to your unique circumstances and goals. For assistance with obtaining a prenuptial agreement, contact our family law attorney today to get started on protecting your assets and future.
